
Using Phosphor Icons in React Native

Hello all! Today, we’re going to dive into the world of icons. Specifically, we’re going to talk about how to use Phosphor Icons in a React Native project. Phosphor Icons provide a wide range of beautifully crafted icons that can add a touch of elegance to your app.

We are going to be using this Phosphor React Native package. To note, as of this article being written, it seems that an “official” react native package may be in the works. But, as its not completed as of May 2023, we will be continuing with the community supported package.

So, let’s get started!

Step 1: Installing Phosphor into Your Project

First things first, we need to install Phosphor into our project. You can do this by running the following command in your terminal in your existing project:

yarn add phosphor-react-native

You can find more information about the package here.

Step 2: Choosing the Right Spot for Your Icon

Next, navigate to the file where you want to use the icon to prepare to import the icon(s) you would like to use. Unlike some other frameworks, it is best to import icons individually to maintain a smaller build size for your mobile app.

Step 3: Picking Your Icon

Now comes the fun part - choosing your icon! Head over to the Phosphor Icons website, select the icon you want to use, and choose “React”.

Note - As of May 2023, the package used here does not support any icons that were released as a part of Phosphor’s 2.0 release.

Step 4: Importing and Using Your Icon

Once you’ve chosen your icon, you’ll need to import it into your file. Here’s an example of how to do this:

import { House } from "phosphor-react-native"

After importing, you can reference the icon in your project wherever you want to include it. Here’s an example:

<House size={32} />

And voila! You’ve successfully added a Phosphor icon to your project. Here’s an example of a baseline file format for using Phosphor icons in your navigation bar for your React Native app:

import { House, ImageSquare, FolderUser, DotsThree, FilePlus } from "phosphor-react-native"

/* ... */

return (
  screenOptions={() => ({
    headerShown: false,
    tabBarStyle: {
      height: 90,
      paddingHorizontal: 5,
      paddingTop: 0,
      backgroundColor: "white",
      position: "absolute",
      borderTopWidth: 0,
      tabBarIcon: () => <House size={32} />,
      title: "Home",
      tabBarIcon: () => <FolderUser size={32} />,
      title: "Chart",
      tabBarIcon: () => <FilePlus size={32} />,
      title: "Add New",
      tabBarIcon: () => <ImageSquare size={32} />,
      title: "Imaging",
      tabBarIcon: () => <DotsThree size={32} />,
      title: "More",

And that’s it! You’ve successfully added Phosphor icons to your React Native project. Happy coding!